
Growing our own food and making things!

Hi there, my name is Angela and I am from the SheepTree Smallholding. I am the main labourer on this smallholding team, which is made up of Becks (the collie), Tali and Gin (the terriers) and myself.

Here we aim to be self-sufficient where we can by growing, processing and preserving as much of our food as possible. I keep sheep and hens on the smallholding, who provide me with wool and eggs.

In my videos and blog I share daily life and the new things I have learnt, in the hope that I am able to inspire someone else to have a go at something they dream of doing.

  • Mud Season on the Smallholding

    All of you who have livestock in the UK throughout the winter months with be familiar with the term “Mud Season”. For those of you who do not, just think of it as an unsolicited core workout that lasts for 7 months. However, because it is raining and cold, you are bundled up in so…